Saturday, October 1, 2011

Post #1 - The Dog (Potty) Quilt

I have wanted to learn to quilt for a long time but always thought it would be too hard to learn on my own.  I finally decided to give it a try this summer and bought a book to teach myself.  I have a lot of left over fabric from making dog collars.  Our older Golden Callie used to get a a new collar and leash every month.   I did that for close to two years so had quite a stash saved up.  I bought a pattern, read the book and started cutting.  It was as fun as I thought it would be.  I finished it this July.

Since it was just a scrap quilt and mostly dog fabric and had quite a few mistakes, I gave it to Callie, our 8 year old Golden, as a dog bed.  She likes it quite a bit, I think because it is cooler than her dog bed for the summer.  Now that it is getting cooler, she has a tendency to end up in the dog bed again.

Just a couple days before finishing the quilt, we got a new Golden puppy,7-week old Mollie.

I finished the quilt and laid it out in the living room to see if Callie would like it or not.  Within two hours of it being finished, Mollie proceeded to use it as a potty spot, so into the washer it went.  We moved it up into the bedroom for the dog bed and within the next couple weeks, danged if that puppy didn't pee on it two more times.